Saturday, July 19, 2008

Taming my yarn and projects

Today's Tip - A travel toothbrush holder is useful for holding crochet hooks and double pointed needles. Use it at home, or put it in your project bag so you can easily find your needles.

In case you're wondering, the gorgeous creature pictured here is our cat, Inanna. She is named after the Sumerian goddess of Love and War, and Queen of the heavens and earth.

I just spent over an hour untangling the projects and yarn on and around my couch. To help keep future tangles down, I put rubber bands around all the balls of yarn. I also have to actually finish a few projects. I found about 10 things that I have started. I keep on getting new ideas or seeing a new yarn I want to work with. Then I put one thing aside and start another. I sometimes have to make a deal with myself to finish at least 2 projects before I'm allowed to start another.

But there ARE some good reasons for having so many projects ;) First of all I have some crochet projects and some knit projects. That way if my hands get tired, or I get bored with one, I can do the other. Then there are some projects with big needles and some with small needles; and there are simple projects and more complex projects. There are also some projects that are more portable than others, so they're easier to carry around. This way I have something for different moods and situations. (Note: I'm good at making excuses). Now, if I could just get myself to stop buying yarn...

1 comment:

Judy Nolan said...

Great start on your blog, Alysa! I like the tips you are including, too.--Judy of JN Originals